Verify archive data

Verify the integrity of the data in a particular snapshot.

All datasets have an associated SHA256 hash file which can be used to verify the integrity of the downloaded dataset. As some of the archives are quite large, this is useful to ensure the file you've downloaded matches the file maintained in the Hiro Archive.

After downloading an archive file and its associated shasum file, you can verify the integrity of the archive file like so:

echo "$(cat <SHASUM FILE> | awk '{print $1}')  <ARCHIVE FILE>" | shasum --check

# Example
echo "$(cat mainnet-stacks-blockchain-api-latest.sha256 | awk '{print $1}')  mainnet-stacks-blockchain-api-latest.gz" | shasum --check

# If the integrity check succeeds, a log will be printed indicating so
mainnet-stacks-blockchain-api-latest.gz: OK

# Otherwise a log will be printed indicating failure
mainnet-stacks-blockchain-api-latest.gz: FAILED
shasum: WARNING: 1 computed checksum did NOT match

If the integrity check fails for any reason, you may need to delete the local archive and re-attempt the download. If issues persist, switch to a different network and try again.